Hi all - it's been a few months since I posted anything! Lazy sod you say!!?? Yeah , fair enough.
Guilty as charged!
It's been a nice summer though - flown past! My ready made family is blossoming into a pretty good one! Lucky me! Alex is 6 months now and thriving - his appetite is immense. Hehe - no funny comments please!
In fact it was our 1st anniversary on the 5th March. We went down to Nannup for the weekend and had a day out in Margaret River - just the 2 of us- which was great! It's the kind of thing we used to take for granted so when we get the opportunity these days we are very grateful!
Nannup music festival was on as well. It's a bit of a hippie-fest but a nice and relaxing atmosphere. Once you get used to hordes of crusty traveller types its a nice place to be. Alex loved the whole experience and got lots of admirers , especially this one particular hippie. He must have been about 60 years old, long white hair and matching beard, slightly musty aroma and time machine clothes - you know the type! Anyway, during one of the gigs he was sat next to me and I had Alex on my lap. The hippie and Alex seemed to hit it off in some kind of spiritual way! Alex stared at the hippie, and the hippie gazed at Alex - for about 10 minutes! Which was enough to trip the old guy out a bit I think! As he left he tapped me on the shoulder and said " man, we just connected there. It was a beautiful thing." and walked off. haha
I am still working away up in the Pilbara on a 9/5 roster. Been here over 2 years already! Enjoying the job but its tough being away from home 9 days every 2 weeks. There may be an 8/6 roster available next year which will give me 7 nights a fortnight at home which would be nice.
Everything else is going well - Alex of course takes up all of our time - but that's not a bad thing! He's a great kid - we definitely got lucky! Number 2 may be the devil child ( like one , or both of the parents were rumoured to be!)
Alex has been going to swimming classes for the last month or so. He goes every Friday with Annika to the pool down the road and hooks up with his crew to shoot the shit ( not literally....yet!!) He went under for the first time last Friday, just a quick duck dive, and judging by the face he pulled I am not sure he was convinced with that move! Still, he seems to enjoy the experience. I think he will be a good swimmer as long as his legs evolve from resembling cauliflowers into something more human or baby like.
He got weighed and measured recently and is now in the 75th percentile for length and about 65th for weight. They did measure his head circumference but the results mysteriously disappeared. Weird. I'm sure its pretty normal - nothing to be concerned about. haha
We have some visitors arriving soon! Woo hoo!!!
First up the Ginger Wizard aka Big Dale! He arrives on the 5th April for 2 weeks.
Depending on how many packets of Twistees he will bring me I will decide on the level of accommodation we will offer him. Will it be the family wagon ( 0-5 packets) , the garage ( 6-48 packets) or a bed in the house ( 49-50 packets) - we shall see!!!
And then in April Mum and The G Man arrive for 3 weeks. I have warned Geoff about the 'experiments' mum will be carrying out on him but its hard to explain what will be in store!! I just hope Geoff is keen to try some magnets and beans strapped to his body parts and then some electricity passed through him whilst having lit candles stuck in his ears . Good luck Geoff! haha
Of course I don't think Gordon will be able to sit back and watch mum harm Geoff as they formed a special bond when holidaying together in Paris last summer. Ahhh, the romance!
The G men will have some fun together I think. haha
Looking forward to you all arriving!
Well that's about it folks - just a quickie!
I will try and keep you updated ( I think I said that last time!)
Speak soon amigos!
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