Hi all - so here we are! Alexander has been with us for a month now! Time is really flying - each day he gets fatter and seems to add a new facial expression to his already impressive repertoire. An amusing creature to say the least! :)

The hours leading up to the birth were 'interesting' to put in mildly! Annika went into labour at about 10pm on Sunday night - which was right in the middle of the football - great timing darling!
So ( once the match had finished - hehe - only joking) we got the bags packed into the car and headed in! Very excited/anxious! It was actually happening!
Once we got to the hospital and up into our room Annika tried to get comfortable, changed into a fetching gown and we waited!
I think it was a few hours into the labour when it started to get a bit intense. And everyone knows what the solution is right?? Yes , that's it , a giant inflatable ball like the old space-hoppers to sit on under the shower!
Rather enjoyable but I thought Annika would like a go instead as she was making some funny noises over there in her bed! haha
Actually this worked quite well for a while but after a few more hours the pain switch was cranked up and the call was made for some drugs.
Time was beginning to blur! We were in , what seemed to be, some kind of fatigue induced dream.
The epidural went in - Annika was much better now. For a while anyway!
The next episode was one of high stress and emotion - not something I would like to experience again let alone Annika! The problem was with the drugs. Every epidural 'top up' caused Alexanders heart rate to fluctuate wildly sometimes dropping from 160bpm to 40bpm! It would recover after a while with some adjustment of the drug dosage and a bit of poking, prodding and rolling!
It was all getting very messy! After the third time this cycle of drugs/heart rate drop the Dr decided to operate and perform a Cesarean. Music to our ears! Actually my only criticism of the whole experience was that they didn't make that call earlier as to Annika and I the pattern was very definite - epidural top up = heart rate drop - every time!
Anyhow - once that call was made things moved incredibly quickly! I was more awake now - the adrenalin coursing through my veins! Annika was high as a kite but in no pain and content - good!!
I was in 2 minds whether to take a peek over the 'curtain' they put up to see how they go about their business during a C Section! At first I was happy enough just sitting there holding Annikas hand but she was away with the fairies so I decided to have a look. My timing was pretty good - Alexanders head was sticking out of Annikas belly - they were twisting and pulling with quite some force to get him out! I was quite surprised how rough they seems to be! But a few seconds later there he was in our arms! A surreal and overwhelming experience! Amazing!
I got to 'trim' the umbilical cord and had a few minutes with Alexander as they put him under the heater to finish off the baking! haha
So , our new life had begun!
Luckily we had 5 nights at the hospital - which was a great place - the staff do an amazing job there. I suppose midwives all over the world are the same - a special breed of people!
They were all a fountain of knowledge - information that was really good to know!
Wrapping, feeding, nappies, comforting, various techniques and theories - very handy!
Actually the hospital won't let you leave until the feeding technique is effective - very thorough!
As good as it was being there for that time - the hospital food became a bit of an issue! haha
After a while it all looked and tasted the same - a generic grey mass on a plate!
It probably wasn't that bad but as we were both exhausted maybe our minds were playing tricks on us! Anyhow - we craved normal food! So i was deployed as a delivery boy.
Wagamamas, pizza, fresh crusty bread, cheese ( triple cream Brie - as requested by Annika!) and ham etc etc - much better! I would get some funny looks from the other partners, mums and staff as I carried a variety of take away boxes past reception to our room!
Geoff and Gail even treated us to a picnic in our hospital room one night - very nice! And I had a cheeky beer ( Coopers Pale Ale )and some wine ( Montacute Estate Cabernet Merlot - Geoff and Gails wine - mmmm) ! hehe
Annikas boobs are amazing!!
Sorry let me rephrase that! haha
Alexander has a massive appetite ( don't know where he gets that from) and loves the boob! ( I may know where he gets that from ). The magic milk is doing the business - amazing stuff! He is putting on weight very well - are tyres on the ankles and wrists normal?? haha

I think it must be empathy but my weight has also increased! I don't like to see Alexander eating alone! haha

Ok - will stop now. haha
Speak soon!